First BODERLANDS 2 Details Emerging

The first details of Borderlands 2 have started to emerge from a U.S. Game Informer article

By Matt Mann /

Borderlands 2 have started to emerge from a U.S. Game Informer article. Like the first Borderlands, 4 player co-op will be returning; however none of the main characters from the first game will be playable this time around. There will be all new characters like Salvador, the Gunzerker (featured above) who has the ability to dual wield any gun. The story missions will be improved from the first game through dynamic story missions, where your success or failure can shape the story. The example given states that if you fail a rescue mission, the story will change because of the failure. There will be new enemies with better A.I. (great I can get shot at from even farther away now) and non playable characters will also be improved with more interactive dialog options. Guns from the first game will not return, however the new guns in Borderlands 2 are said to each have their own unique themes, style, and color. Vehicles will also be more varied, one vehicle in the article was shown to have 4 seats to accommodate 4 player co-op. Borderlands 2 will be shown off at Gamescom 2011 in Germany later this month from August 17 - August 21.
