First Image of New Bioware Franchise

Looks like it might actually take place during the present time or very near future and could be set on earth.

By Matt Mann /

Gameinformer we have the first image of what that new game will look like. The image is posted above and for me the picture definitely has a Borderlands or RAGE feel to it. One of my favorite things about Bioware games is the different settings they put you in and to me this setting feels very similar to those titles I previously mentioned. That being said I am just speculating, the game could take place over several different terrains the desert being just one of them. The game could also be a vehicle combat game which would be something totally different for Bioware. Some of the other things I noticed from the image are the setting looks like it might actually take place during the present time or very near future and the game could be set on earth. What are your thoughts on the image, does it look like a Bioware game or does it have a RAGE feel to it?
