Football Manager 2014: 5 Super Amazing Ways SI Could Make It Great

By Danny Chapman /

Football Manager or as somebody once described it "the wrecker of many'a marriage" is officially the most played football management game in the series and come November 2013 (ish) there will be a lot more newly single guys turning pale while locked in a darkened room frantically pressing 'space bar' to see if Luis Suarez will sign for Stoke or not. Though to most(!) of the female population FM is simply a diversion tactic to get out of fulfilling your manly 'duties' the same can not be said for football fans, young and old across the country. As we build up to the unveiling of the new games' features, the launch of the BETA and the full game itself the hype is becoming too much for some (me). These individuals can be found frantically searching Google for some FM 2014 related subject or another in the hope that someone, somewhere will know something. So to satisfy the growing population of Football Manager zombies for a few minutes I have put together a 'cheeky' little list of some features that I think will turn FM 14 from a good game, in to a great one, the best yet in fact. First up is to enable formations to be more customisable.