Football Manager 2014: 9 Issues It Really Should Fix

By Edward Owen /

Let me be clear from the off €“ I love Football Manager. It's provided me with years of enjoyment, and it continues to get better and better with each passing addition. Indeed, that's probably the franchise's main strength €“ it never, ever stands still, so doesn't stand the risk of regressing into irrelevance. After all, while we all dream of the halcyon days of Championship Manager 01/02 and living the dream with Carl Cort, if we're honest with ourselves, we wouldn't want to go back to it €“ its system looks horrendously simple in comparison to today's slick incarnation, and we'd miss all the frippery that surrounds the core match-day experience. Yet still, though the glorious team of Sport Interactive continue to innovate, obsessive players will always find ways to fault their glorious system. I guess it's the sort of thing the phrase 'hoisted by your own petard' was invented for €“ we shovel so much love and effort into the brilliant simulator that any minor fault (and rest assured, these faults are minor) are scrutinised under an even harsher glare. Nothing's ever a particularly game-breaking illusion-demolisher, but still, when you spend so much time taking Shrewsbury Town to eternal glory, any bum note in what's usually a sublime symphony unfortunately becomes all the more memorable. So it's with this in mind that I've decided to write this article about aspects of FM that need an overhaul. Again, from the training charts to the matchday experience, I love the game down to the smallest detail, so you might argue that I'm being overly critical. Well, I guess you'd be right, but still, if they fixing these minor faults and issues, they might turn what's already a tremendous game into something even more vital. So, with that in mind, let's begin.