Football Manager 2015: 20 Best Scouts

These men are arguably the most important facet of you artillery...

By Ross Tweddell /

A manager can only do so much in the transfer market in the real life and virtual reality versions on Football Manager. The majority of the legwork must be done by the chief scout and his legion of subordinates. Any manager can go out and buy and Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi as they are in 2015. But a select few would have had the nouse to go and get them over 10 years ago when they were signing their fist professional contracts with their respective clubs. Hire the right scouting staff, and they WILL provide you with the best talent of tomorrow and the plethora of hidden gems in the game. Every year, a whole host of names that are quite frankly nobodies in the real life form of the game suddenly become international superstars thanks to Sports Interactive. This is one of the many traits that makes the game so great. If you have the budget, go and buy a scout for each continent of the world, and that way you won't miss a beat. It is important to hire scouts with expertise in different areas. Some with know how to spot the ready made player, some will know how to spot the up and coming 18 year old. Some will be able to find the cream of the crop from South America while some will find the best of Asia. It's important to get the blend right! Here are the best 20 scouts on Football Manager 2015.

20. Alexandre Ceolin

Age: 51 Club: Atletico Mineiro Reputation: Continental Scouting Knowledge: Brazil, Saudi Arabia Judging Playing Ability: 20 Judging Player Potential: 20


Why you would want to scout Saudi Arabia is anyone's guess but this man will find you the best they have to offer. Along with Steve Rowley, Ceolin is untouchable int he scouting stakes on Football Manager 2015.
