Football Manager 2019 Promises A New Era With Debut Trailer

Get obsessed all over again...

By Simon Gallagher /

SI Games

You've really got to hand it to Miles Jacobson, the supreme leader behind the Football Manager franchise: he really knows how to draw some attention. And over the weekend he sent fans into unexpected meltdown with a fairly vague Tweet that seemed to suggest something ominous might be happening...


Speculation was rife, inevitably, with suggestions that he might be leaving SI Games behind or there'd no longer be physical copies of FM on sale or there'd be no more Football Manager at all... But you needn't have been that scared. Football Manager remains a behemoth with incredible game-hour stats and a hugely committed fanbase who will flock to buy it every time it's out. And this year's game will be just as popular as every other.

The Tweet was, in fact, hinting at the new announcement that's just landed this morning: the new game will be released on Friday, November 2nd with a whole new look. And that "era" that's ended is the one ruled by Manager Man who has featured on the cover of every Football Manager game since FM 2005. He's out and a new manager's eye view of the pitch from the tunnel is the replacement.


The game also has a new logo and there are - as ever - a host of new features that will be unveiled closer to release. And for the first time, the game comes with the full DFL Bundesliga license, which was a big miss previously. And on top of all that, the game is seeking to be more comprehensive in its realism than ever before.

First off there's a brand new logo...

SI Games

Here's the announcement trailer...


And here's what the new cover will look like...

SI Games

SI Games and SEAG are promising fans that from today, those who pre-purchase Football Manager 2019 (for PC and Mac), from a SEGA approved digital retailer or pre-order from a participating physical retailer will receive a 10% discount right up until launch. And as ever, they'll have access to the fully-playable Beta version, which will be available roughly two weeks prior to the official street date (single player careers started in the Beta can be carried across to the full game).


The first details of the key features in Football Manager 2019 will be revealed in late September through the relaunched Football Manager website and via the official FM social media channels. You'll find all of that information on WhatCulture.

All three versions of the game – Football Manager 2019 (for PC and Mac), Football Manager 2019 Touch (for PC, Mac, iOS and Android) and Football Manager 2019 Mobile (for iOS and Android) will be released on November 2nd.
