Friday The 13th Game Review: 4 Ups & 5 Downs

Is the return to Camp Crystal Lake any good?

By George Foster /


Friday the 13th: The Game has to be one of the most hyped up and exciting projects to come from Kickstarter, next to games like Yooka-Laylee and Mighty No. 9. Unfortunately, much like those titles, Friday the 13th ends up being a mixed bag.


Certain elements of the game truly impress, whilst other factors feel like they needed a couple more months of development and planning. The game has a lot of passion and fan service, but it ultimately ends up feeling like it can't deliver on some of its biggest promises.

Hopefully Illfonic will realise some of the issues present with the game and work towards fixing them. As it stands right now, Friday the 13th isn't worth most people's time, even if they're a huge fan of the series. Given some more love and additional content however, Friday the 13th could evolve into something truly exciting.


For now though, let's look at what Gun Media has managed to get right for the return of Camp Crystal Lake - and what it's mucked up.


4. True To The Movies

Paramount Pictures

One of the biggest charms about Friday the 13th: The Game is that it looks and sounds exactly like the movies.


Illfonic have truly outdone themselves in recreating some of the iconic locations from the films, as well as including huge fan service like Tommy Jarvis as a playable character and executions directly lifted from the source material. Everything, from Jason's movement to the look of Camp Crystal Lake is absolutely in line with the films, and it makes it feel like a true movie-to-game experience.

Besides classics like GoldenEye and more recent efforts like Star Wars Battlefront, not many other games based on movies have been adapted so well, and Illfonic really do deserve to be commended for that. If nothing else, Friday the 13th: The Game looks, sounds, and feels like something that fans of the franchise will absolutely love.
