GTA V: 10 Most Epic Moments

By Robert Kojder /

It should be safe to assume that we€™ve all beaten the open world heist saga masterpiece by now, but if you haven€™t because you just haven€™t had the time or maybe you€™re unhealthily addicted to GTA Online, I am warning you up front that I€™m blowing the roof off here, discussing major spoilers throughout. For those that have beaten the game or maybe just don€™t care about spoilers, feel free to continue on as I count down some personal selections for what I consider to be the most riveting, exciting, and epically memorable moments to be found across the central story missions. It wasn€™t something easy to just whittle down and axe away at either but I firmly stand by these picks and have a feeling you too will enjoy looking back at these awesome sequences.

10. Am I Playing GTA V Or An Interactive Version Of The Place Beyond The Pines

There is quite a bit of build up to your first heist in GTA V and rightfully so considering the string of meticulously planned and pivotal missions are all seemingly larger than life undertakings. Your first heist is with Michael and Franklin and involves robbing a small jewelry store by your choice of espionage or guns blazing. I€™m lustful for chaos and destruction when I play GTA so I personally kicked the damn door in and started waving my shotgun everywhere as I smashed in display case after display case hoarding as much as possible. The more you snatch the higher your money counter goes up in satisfying fashion. What I wasn€™t expecting though is a high speed getaway on motorcycles through the city and multiple sequential cramped construction tunnels of Los Santos to a set of trucks. Having seen The Place Beyond The Pines recently (which is an awesome complementary movie starring a bank robbing Ryan Gosling) I was having lucid flashbacks amidst trying not to veer off course into a cement wall. There are games that make you feel like you€™re in an interactive movie, but this is one of those rare times I could actually pinpoint an actual movie. What an awesome and brilliant mission.