GTA V: 10 New Multiplayer Facts We Learned

By Shaun Munro /

Yesterday, we provided a concise summary of IGN's excellent run-down of their exclusive hands-on play-test with GTA V, and today, it's time to do the same with their run-down of the game's multplayer component, GTA Online (the lucky devils). Essentially, if you want the gist of their experience, and a summary of the main information, here it is, while excluding superfluous tidbits we already know from the trailers (like the ability to play golf and tennis, and the custom race/deathmatch options outlined in a previous trailer). At this point, we as gamers are basically grabbing at every possible morsel of GTA news to keep ourselves from going stir crazy in the next 12 days. All these sorts of reports do, however, is make us hungrier, but also make it clear that this really is a game that is seemingly going to somehow live up to the enormous hype. Here are 10 new multiplayer facts we learned...

10. Equip A Disguise Before Robbing A Place

A prior GTA trailer made it clear that we're going to be able to rob various locations around Los Santos, and the vast majority of these are likely to be liquor stores and other low-risk joints, if we're desperate for a quick couple o' hundred bucks. What this play-test revealed, though, was that when you arrive at the location of your robbery, you're able to toggle through your inventory and suit up accordingly, equipping one of a variety of masks, and also a pair of sunglasses if you so wish (and presumably other disguises like bandanas and so on), to make yourself look a whole lot more badass (because presumably, the game isn't as intricate as to have the terrified cashier ID you). We are all going to use GTA Online to try and be as badass as possible, and this is a good start.