GTA V: 5 San Andreas Characters We Want To Meet Again

5 of the best characters (who are still alive) that we wouldn’t mind seeing in GTA 5.

By Luke Stevenson /

It appears that at WhatCulture towers, no matter how much we wish for it, we can€™t make GTA V happen now. Which is quite a good thing as there is, as of yet, no contingency plans for the fact everyone will explode with excitement and not be able to contribute for several decades of gameplay. However, not one to look blind eyed in to the future at the prospect of GTA 5, I have opted for an evening of looking wistfully back on GTA of old. Namely San Andreas and the city of Los Santos; where GTA 5 is returning to and one rich in GTA legacy which we don€™t want to see forgotten. The fact GTA has moved on two generations since we last flew through the Los Santos skyline shouldn€™t hinder the potential to meet and greet our old favourites from the last time we graced these shores. Here are 5 of the best characters (who are still alive) that we wouldn€™t mind seeing in GTA 5; even if it is just for a quick hello and a cup of tea.

5. Carl €˜CJ€™ Johnson

San Andreas€™ protagonist and, quite easily, the best GTA main character created so far. A character we could craft to effectively any image we desired, skinny or fat, ripped or lean, blonde hair or green hair, clothes or just boxers; it was all our oyster. More so than just the customisation though, CJ was an emotionally driven, funny and completely bad-ass throughout us taking him to the top of gang power and influence throughout San Andreas. After spending nigh on 80 hours of gameplay to get CJ to the stage of success he was at when the games credits rolled on to the screen; it is owed to us to see how well his business empire lasted in the world of San Andreas. How He Could Feature: Either in passing, like €˜Johnson Enterprises€™, or him voicing an advert for some new business venture on the radio or TV. Or the goal of this game could be our main character trying to bring down his stranglehold on Los Santos which he has dominated for two decades; the ending could involve a choice of whether you kill him or not, one thing certain to tear at the hearts of all die hard GTA fans.