GTA V: Should It Have Gore?

The GTA franchise seems to have fluctuated in recent iterations between where exactly the line in the sand is drawn when it comes to gore.

By Joseph Dempsey /

The Grand Theft Auto series has always been known for brutal murders. Killing enemies, killing friends, killing for cash, killing for killings sake. But the franchise seems to have fluctuated in recent iterations between where exactly the line in the sand is drawn when it comes to gore. In Grand Theft Auto 3, the first in the long running series to feature 3D graphics, we could blow people's limbs off. Then in its successor, Vice City, we couldn't. Next, in 2004's San Andreas, we couldn't sever peoples limbs, but we could decapitate them. 2008's GTA IV? No gore. After GTA IV came three spin off titles, The Lost and Damned, Chinatown Wars and The Ballad of Gay Tony. Gore featured in only one of these spin off titles, and that was the second - Chinatown Wars.In Chinatown wars, we could take a chainsaw and cut people in half - a level of gore completely new to the franchise. This was followed though by a tame-by-comparison Ballad of Gay Tony. It seems that Rockstar just can't make their minds up. I think a lesson should be learned from GTA III. Then, gore was a cheat that had to first be turned on. We had the best of both worlds. The squeamish among us would play the game as it was intended, and those of us who yearned for blood could happily watch a pedestrians right arm get blown off in a horrible explosion. For me, one of the best parts of San Andreas was chopping someone€™s head off with a samurai sword, just as sawing someone in half with a chainsaw was my favourite pastime in Chinatown Wars. With the level of realism that Rockstar has invested into the series lately, it seems only realistic that we have a certain amount of gore. People€™s limbs do blow off in real life explosions, so if we are going to be literal about everything, then we need gore in GTA V. Do you agree? Should Rockstar bring back gore or at least the gore cheat code for GTA V? Let us know in the comments section below.