INFINITY BLADE II Announced for iPhone and iPad

Chair Entertainment will be working closely with Apple to ensure that the game is able to take full advantage of iPhone 5 and iPad 2 capabilities; in addition, the game will be continuously updated like the previous title.

By Matt Mann /

Chair Entertainment has announcedInfinity Blade II will be coming to the iPhone 5 and iPad 2 later this year. Chair Entertainment will be working closely with Apple to ensure that the game is able to take full advantage of iPhone 5 and iPad 2 capabilities; in addition, the game will be continuously updated like the previous title. Geremy Mustard, technical director and co-founder of Chair Entertainment said;

"Whether it's Gears of War 3 on Xbox 360 or Infinity Blade II on iPad 2, Unreal Engine 3 really pushes the envelope of what we can do, Everything you see within one of our environments, even in the distant background, is fully 3D and playable. It's above and beyond what we were able to do before. You'll see grass blowing in the wind, light rays, and god rays €“ these are effects that came partway through the console life cycle of Xbox 360 and we have them running on these mobile devices today and it runs beautifully."
Here are some details about the game:
"The player will explore many different environments in this game, You'll see some stuff that looks familiar, but the castle in this game is very different. We'll also be exploring environments in a more Asian-themed landscape. With each environment, we wanted to create these water cooler moments -- these areas where players can look back and converse about that battle that took place in front of that huge tower or by that really cool clock. There's always something in the environment that will keep your focus and lead you through the level." "All of the weapons and swords will be and then we have some new surprises that I don't want to talk about yet, There will literally be hundreds and hundreds of items that are all unique with different properties. There are also just a lot more enemies in this game. The world itself is four or five times bigger than in the first game. It's just so much more content."
Infinity Blade II actually looks pretty amazing, and I am sure there will be a lot of happy gamers this year with all the great RPGs set to be released this year. The game will be released on December 1st for iPhones and iPads. How many of you out there will be getting this game?
