Injustice 3: 7 Story Directions Fans Would Love

Superman's gone bad, now what?

By Fergal Harte /

In 2013, NetherRealm released the surprise hit Injustice: Gods Among Us, following it up with a sequel four years later. The Injustice series takes place in an alternate version of the DC Universe, where Joker tricks Superman into killing a pregnant Lois Lane while detonating a nuke in Metropolis at the same time.


After these tragic events, Superman goes full-villain, establishing a tyrannical regime on Earth, with Batman and Lex Luthor being the only resistance.

In the sequel, Injustice 2, order has been re-established across the world, Superman has been detained and (unbeknownst to everyone) Supergirl has arrived on Earth. However, when Brainiac arrives to finish off the remaining Kryptonians, Batman is forced to team-up with Superman to save the day.

After defeating the aforementioned Brainiac, players are presented with a choice, deciding whether Batman or Superman is victorious, the conflict between the two inevitably restarting in the finale.

Both endings are radically different (as you'd expect), yet leave the future of the Injustice universe ambiguous, so here are some directions it could take...

7. Superman Returns

In Batman's ending, Superman is de-powered and imprisoned in the Phantom Zone, while the remaining heroes form a new Justice League.


Bringing Superman back (after a Batman victory) would be rather pleasing, as Superman's villainous counterpart in the Injustice universe made for an excellent antagonist and a fresh take on the character, allowing the Injustice series to become what it is today.

However, this wouldn't be very original, as the story would end up being very similar to the last two games, yet if it can work twice, then it can probably work a third time.

The writers could even flip the first game's story on its head and have Superman (and his allies) filling the role of the resistance, while the new Justice League try to maintain the peace they worked so hard to establish.
