Kevin Conroy Teases Batman: Arkham Return

The studio isn't finished with The Dark Knight just yet...

By Josh Brown /


Another day, another Batman: Arkham rumour. While WB are seemingly no closer to announcing what WB Montreal and Rocksteady have been working on for the majority of the decade so far, it's been once again teased that either of these projects will include the Arkhamverse's Batman.


Longtime voice actor for The Dark Knight, Kevin Conroy, celebrated the four-year anniversary of Arkham Knight on Twitter, retweeting and official post Rocksteady published, which read: "Four years ago today, we launched Batman: Arkham Knight. To all our fans: thanks for Being the Batman with us." Tantalisingly, he commented, "But why stop there?!"


It's far from a confirmation that Conroy will once again be back to voice The Caped Crusader, or that the superhero will be returning for the studio's next project, but it does line up with past rumours. Rocksteady's next game has long been assumed to either be a Superman title or, more recently, a Justice League game, meaning Batman would feature heavily (despite the ending of Knight hinting at his retirement).

Likewise, Conroy has been known to give the game away on occasion, accidentally revealing he'd be back for Arkham Knight before the project was officially announced.
