Released in 2008, Lego Batman took the extensive cast of Batman characters, mixed it with the humor and co-op gameplay found in all Lego games, and created a radically different take on the legacy of The Caped Crusader .The fun game performed very well, and it's no surprise that publishers Warner Brothers and developers Traveller's Tales have announced a sequel, due for release next year. Reported by Bricktuts, Lego Batman 2: Super Heroes, like the original, will offer the same opportunity to play as the hero or villain in story mode, either solo or with a friend in co-op play. The main difference to the first game is that characters are not confined to the Batman stable, allowing players to choose from a range of characters from the DC Universe, such as Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern. In some ways it should be titled Lego: Batman & DC Friends. The game is set for release in the Summer of 2012, to coincide with the release of The Dark Knight Rises. Lego are also planning a number of Batman related toy sets to tie in with the film.