Madden 13 Demo: 3 Positives & 3 Negatives

It's that time of year again - we look ahead to what EA Sports are offering with this month's Madden release.

By Michael Atkinson /

It's that time of year where I start looking forward to demos. Demos: for all the claims by developers that what we are being allowed to play is a work in progress and what we see does not represent the final product, it would be pretty foolish of them to release something so far from finished that it actually acts as a deterrent. The luxury Madden demos have over something like the yearly disappointment of Pro Evo however (Heads up €“ not this year) is that it's the only NFL game on the market, and they could probably just put their feet up and merely give Madden 12 a roster upgrade. But that assumption would be wrong: Madden 12 got progressively worse to the point where the game was openly laughing at you and your family. But thankfully the laughter's stopped long enough for this new incarnation to be... different.


1. The Passing Game Madden 12 suffered greatly from the performance enhancing bugs commonly found in linebackers and corners. Thankfully it seems wide-receivers are now more keen to attack the ball and corner-backs aren't capable of catches beyond the ability of both players and humans in general. Click next to reveal more observations from the demo...