MASS EFFECT 3 Combat Details

BioWare has updated their website with a new video that goes into more detail about the combat enhancements for Mass Effect 3.

By Matt Mann /

The one thing most people mention about the Mass Effect series negatively is the combat, however BioWare is trying to change that with all new enhancements for Mass Effect 3. BioWare today updated their website with a new video that goes into more detail about the combat enhancements for Mass Effect 3. One thing new that is mentioned is the fact that ever class will now have some different power depending on which one you choose.
"Our team has put a lot of work into making sure each class has different ways of interacting with enemies in unique and interesting ways,"
In addition, BioWare also mentions the fact they are upgrading some of the powers from Mass Effect 2 and also providing for better enemy AI. Enemies will also have better abilities as well; for example engineers can put out a sentry turret but now so can enemy engineers. Here is the video: Personally I did like the combat in Mass Effect 2 but I am glad to see they are making even more improvements to the combat to keep fresh and enjoyable. Did any of you have major problems with the combat system in either of the first two games? Release Date: US March 6th 2012, EU March 9th 2012