MASS EFFECT 3 New Character Released: Meet James Vega

Mass Effect Executive Producer Casey Hudson releases first image of brand new character James Vega...

By Thomas Goodyear /

Executive Producer of the Mass Effect series Casey Hudson today decided to treat his loyal Twitter fans after he reached over 10,000 followers on the social network site. Hudson released a picture of a Brand New Mass Effect 3 character, shortly after tweeting this on the 15th of July:
To celebrate having the 10,000 best followers in the twitterverse, I've released a new image that you can see over at @masseffect ! Thanks!
Everyone say hello to James Vega. Vega is a Systems Alliance Soldier and has been reported to be designed to give a new perspective for the player experience. Vega will be a brilliant soldier but one that doesn't completely understand the state of the intergalactic politics found within the Mass universe. So what do you think? From his description do you think that he is just going to be an ignorant soldier that wants nothing more than to go in guns blazing or do you think that he is going to want to spend time earning about the political difficulties that surround Shepard and pals?