Max Payne 3: 8 Ideas To Improve DLC And Multiplayer

Check out eight of our best ideas for more shoot-dodging and bullet time shenanigans.

By Michael Shelton /

Rockstar Games has attempted something very interesting with Max Payne 3's multiplayer. Stacked on top of the already immersive single player campaign and arcade modes, is easily one of the most ambitious starts for a multiplayer offering. Combining the impressive technical feats of the Euphoria Animation System, and borrowing ideas from other multiplayer titles, has provided an impressive experience that blends together classes, avatar creation, for intriguing multiplayer mode. Forming your own Crew and taking to the multiplayer chaos is an awesome experience. Sparking up a feud between a rival Crew provides an added layer to the gameplay. You quickly find yourself hunting down your enemies in order to claim another victory for your Crew. Rockstar allows players to track Crew stats within the Social Club, so you always know which rival Crew chumps to gun for. Yet, it feels that there's so much more potential Rockstar has yet to tap into. Granted, this is surely all just preparation for Grand Theft Auto V, which will allow you to carry over Crews you form in Max Payne 3 into GTAV's multiplayer. With the first DLC pack for Max Payne 3 already release, Local Justice Pack, it feels that Rockstar's post-launch content will simply be maps, weapons, gear, and factions. While this isn't necessarily bad, we have a few ideas that could help create some more interesting offerings for Max Paynians. Click "next" below to start reading...