Max Payne 3 Hands Out Overhead Maps And Tips For New DLC

Rockstar Games offers gamers a detailed look at the brand new maps before they launch tomorrow.

By Michael Shelton /

In anticipation of Rockstar releasing the first DLC offering tomorrow, The Local Justice Pack, they have released exclusive images of the maps that will be making their way into matchmaking. Each of the images provides an overhead view of the map along with tips and tricks for maximizing your ability to rack up kills. Each level provides a wide variety of play styles that range from intense close quarters combat to long-range sniper combat. There's definitely going to be something for everyone with the brand new levels. All three of the new maps include multiple areas for your shootouts, and will certainly provide some much needed new areas. Having played Max Payne 3 multiplayer since launch, there's only so many times I can play the same maps over again before I'm trying to shoot-dodge my way out of the map for a change of scenery. Sure, there's the cemetary map, but no one seems to ever be playing on that one. I guess it brings up to many tragic memories for gamers. Whatever the reasons are, hopefully season pass holders who finally pick up the map tomorrow will bring it back from the dead. What are your thoughts on the DLC? Are the maps looking to be promising additions to multiplayer? Be sure to let us know in the comments below, and tell us how you've been playing Max Payne 3. Are you one of the many close range dual-wielding maniacs, or are you a long range AK47 face blaster? Source: Rockstar Games