Mega Man X Fan Film Does The Rounds

Come witness the undying enthusiasm of the geek.

By Brad Williams /

Calling all MegaMan fans! Film maker OlanRogers has just created a 4 minute fan film called 'Mega Man X'. You don't have to be a Dr Light-style brainiac to figure out what the film is about, but it probably helps to be a bit of a MMX enthusiast. Olan's project feels a lot more 'serious' and an awful lot of effort and thought has gone into the project. With the likes of Tron and The Matrix in its visible inspiration, Olan is clearly a very gifted film maker with a solid vision. Olan has a very bright future ahead, and hopefully something might come of his efforts... even if that something isn't a MegaMan film. However, that said, stranger things have happened. If fanboys make enough noise, someone in Hollywood just might listen. Failing that, maybe the idea should head East. I can't help but think this would work great as a Bollywood movie. Here's the film: This isn't the first time a fan has taken a shot at igniting the MegaMan fire. Back in 2008, someone by the name of alexoftennis released this legendary piece of geekdom: