Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - 10 Things We Now Know About The Phantom Pain

Ground Zeroes is worth it's weight in speculative teasing for next year's Phantom Pain regardless of anything, and here's every juicy nugget of information we've gained from its runtime.

By Robert Kojder /

Whether Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is nothing but a glorified demo or a satisfying product worth its asking price is irrelevant. Regardless, what we do have is another masterpiece in the Metal Gear Solid franchise that leads tantalisingly into The Phantom Pain. Seriously, the most frustrating aspect of playing Ground Zeroes isn't its short length, but that its unfulfilling nature and abrupt cut-off are only making the year-long wait harder. Simply put, the prospect of playing The Phantom Pain is more enticing than ever. Ground Zeroes doesn't just fill gamers with optimism however, it answers a lot of nagging questions and concerns that gamers may have had going into the next generation of Metal Gear Solid. How is Kiefer Sutherland as Big Boss? What is the deal with this new villain and his charred face? Has the franchise shifted into Call of Duty gameplay? Some answers are more positive than others, but as a whole franchise creator Hideo Kojima seems to have another gripping vision on his hands. All of these questions are answered and more, whether it's across the 90 minute story mission or hidden in a secret audio log - this time around present as era-appropriate cassette tapes. In addition to that, in those 90 minutes it was made abundantly clear that The Phantom Pain will be Kojima's most taboo and surprisingly dark narrative yet. Without further ado, here is what Ground Zeroes tells us about The Phantom Pain.