Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - 11 Easter Eggs True Fans Will Love

It might be short, but look hard enough and you'll find a boxful of MGS references and in-jokes.

By Robert Kojder /

It's unfortunately true that Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will only take players around 90 minutes to finish, but just because a game is finished doesn't mean everything there is to offer has been experienced. Because the game encourages you to stick with it beyond the main story, there is a massive number of hidden Easter Eggs sprinkled throughout the main story mission and its attached side content. Naturally, all of the references require some past Metal Gear Solid knowledge - these references and Easter Eggs are very much designed to capture the attentions of fans of the series, as more casual fans might well stumble across references and not even be aware of it. But then that is the joy of Easter Eggs and that's just the way the franchise rolls most of the time. The unifying point about all of these reference points is that they are all incredibly difficult to find but provide instant gratification for die-hard Metal Gear Solid fans. Whether you're a fan of Metal Gear Solid or not however, the hidden content is entertaining and worth seeking out, particularly if you're left feeling unfulfilled from the actual game, even if it showed great promise for The Phantom Pain in 2015. So without further ado, we invite you to read through this article, discover Konami's brilliant in-references and Easter Eggs and then jump right back into Camp Omega to pull off some cool tricks, and earn the rewards associated with finding some references for yourself.