Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - 6 Things We Learned From Gamescom 2015

Showers, wormholes, and a whole new purpose for cardboard boxes.

By Robert Zak /

With the launch of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain mere weeks away, you'd have thought that anticipation for the game couldn't get any higher. However, Konami's gameplay trailer at Gamescom has taken it over boiling point, giving further insights into its deep and intriguing base system - showing off the things you can get up to at Mother Base, as well as a look at the unique multiplayer invasion mode. The thrust of Metal Gear Solid games have traditionally been the single-player campaigns, which have played a key role in taking cinematic storytelling in video games to new heights on each console they graced (though I'm one of the people who thinks MGS 4 overdid it a bit). The Phantom Pain looks set to bring the focus of the series back to gameplay rather prolonged cut-scenes - though we imagine the single-player campaign will still have those in abundance. The gameplay footage from Gamescom 2015 focuses on the gameplay surrounding the bases of Snake and his private army - the Diamond Dogs. In the footage, we see that MGS V: The Phantom Pain has embraced several of gaming's big trends in recent years - such as base-building, 'invasion' multiplayer and playful sandbox gameplay -and crammed them together into a beautiful, innovative package; a fitting swansong for Hideo Kojima's career at Konami. Here's a list of the six new features that stuck out most in the impressive MGS V: The Phantom Pain demo.