Minecraft 360 Played Online More Than Black Ops!

This provides further proof that Minecraft is a horribly addictive game.

By Michael Shelton /

Major Nelson recently revealed on his blog that the Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition has beaten out Call of Duty: Black Ops for the second place ranking of most played gaming title on XBL. This shouldn't come as a huge surprise for those of you who have been previously exposed to Minecraft's addictive nature. Yet, with many gamers finally getting the chance to lose themselves in their own pixelated worlds, many Xbox 360 users finally understand. If you're not aware of the significance of this news, let me shed just a little bit of light on it. Black Ops has remained in the top spot of most played XBL title since it's launch, until the release of Modern Warfare 3, when it finally dropped down to second place. With both military shooters claiming the top two spots until Minecraft hit XBLA, being dethroned by a block destroying, home building, survival fest is a pretty huge deal. How long Minecraft stays in the second spot of most played XBL titles will prove if the Xbox 360 port is truly as addictive as the PC version. If you haven't yet be sure to check out our full review here, just in case you need a second opinion on the block building addiction phenomenon.