MODERN WARFARE 3 Earns $775 Million In 5 Days

Call of Duty: Black Ops had grossed $650 million at this point last year and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 had taken $550 million two years ago.

By Matt Holmes /

The incredible sales numbers for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 keep rolling in. Activision have announced this morning that the game has grossed more than $775 million to date, setting a new five-day entertainment record. As we said before, nothing on any format, whether it be film, books, comics, music or anything can come anywhere near the numbers Modern Warfare 3 is bringing in. This is actually the third year running the Call of Duty franchise has set a new five-day record showing that more and more people are buying and enjoying the game every year. Call of Duty: Black Ops had grossed $650 million at this point last year and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 had taken $550 million two years ago. Modern Warfare 3 is also the best-selling video game launch of five top U.S. retailers and with it's 3.3 million unique online players in just one day has set a brand new Xbox LIVE record. At this point the question has turned too... how long will it be before Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has grossed $1 billion? You can read the Activision celebratory press release HERE.