Modern Warfare 4: 10 Things We Want

By Shaun Munro /

10. Server Filters

Having spent the majority of my time playing Nuketown 2025 on Black Ops 2 so far - as Treyarch have included a 24/7 server for the popular map - it makes it abundantly clear how wide the range in quality and popularity is between maps; some I could play for hours, and others I would be happy to never touch again. As such, having a server filter list, where we can sort by not only map name, but match type and so on would be a huge help. While it's easy to appreciate the argument that this would just have everyone playing the same maps over and over, so what!? Give the fans what they want; Black Ops 2 gives the player a lot more choice, but how about opening that up entirely, so we can match-make exactly as we want? If I want to play a map all day long, I don't expect the game to force me into something else, as the series has been doing for its entirety so far. This stems from being a raised a PC FPS gamer, whereby this was always the case; moving to consoles for most online FPS games these days (as most of my friends play CoD on consoles), it's a bit of a culture shock so to speak.