Naughty Dog Have No Plans to Develop on the Vita

"We're not working on anything for PS Vita, I won't say never, ever, but there's no plans for it right now".

By Matt Mann /

Naughty Dog, the makers of the Uncharted series and the new Last of Us announced today that they have no plans as of right now to work on a PS Vita game. This goes against a recent interview with the Sony SVP of brand marketing Guy Longworth who seemed to suggest Naughty Dog was working on a PS Vita title. Naughty Dog community manager Arne Meyer said;

"We're not working on anything for PS Vita, I won't say never, ever, but there's no plans for it right now - we've always felt that consoles play to our strengths as a studio the best. We've never made a handheld game, so us saying we're not working on anything at the moment shouldn't be some earth shattering surprise."
For those wondering Uncharted: Golden Abyss for the PS Vita was not actually made by Naughty Dog, the game was actually developed by Sony Bend Studio. So there is a chance we may see more Naughty Dog properties on the PS Vita in the future, it is likely they will be developed or outsourced to other Sony brand developers. I actually think this is good for Naughty Dog, in this day and age in video game development it is very easy to become over saturated with titles in development. Even if you have separate teams working on them resources tend to get stretched a little too far; for example Bioware in my opinion has had way to many titles in the works which may have lead to a sub-par effort with Dragon Age 2.
