New Info & Images on The Last of Us

Some new juicy details & images has us excited about Naughty Dog's new game.

By Matt Mann /

Ever since the initial TheLast of Us trailer hit at Spike's VGAs (video game awards) not much more information has been released about the game. However, a new issue of Game Informer magazine has popped up with some new juicy details to get us excited. According to the article, The Last of Us will have both gun and melee combat (this includes breakable weapons also). However, if we are to go by what the trailer showed, bullets will be in high demand probably meaning that while gun play is factor it might be minimized by lack of ammo. In addition, you will be in control of Joel and not Ellie, however Naughty Dog would like to point out however that the game:
"is not one long escort mission. her AI is one of the team's primary areas of focus. In our demo she always managed to keep up, yet stay out of the way. She didn't seem to need any babysitting at all."
So this does seem to rule out co-op as Ellie will be AI controlled, although like many games other games with two protagonists we may switch off control at some point in the game. Also the game is said to take place at least some of it in Pittsburgh. Here are the rest of the new images for the game: