New RAYMAN ORIGINS Trailer: 10 Ways to Die

A new trailer for Rayman Origins: 10 Ways to Die.

By Harriet Jones /

So, not long ago we had the 10 ways to get around trailer, which, unsurprisingly, showed us the many ways we will be able to bumble through Rayman Origins. Now Ubisoft have released 10 Ways to Die. Taking an rather expected darker tone, the trailer really drums it into you that you will die, but at least you turn into a bubble and explode while doing it. Already I can predict that I will be dying a hell of a lot on this game, though I am sure I can find many more ways to die than the ones outlined in the trailer. Rayman Origins comes to PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, on November 15 in North America, and November 25 in the UK.