Ninja Gaiden 3 Pulled From GAME By Tecmo

Struggling UK retailers GAME and Gamestation miss out on more new releases as credit problems push publishers away.

By Gerry McGuire /

Tecmo Koei today issued a statement alerting customers that upcoming titles Ninja Gaiden 3 and Warriors Orochi 3 will not be available from troubled retailers GAME and Gamestation. This is the latest in a line of setbacks for the high-street stores, which have seen high profile titles such as Mass Effect 3 and Streetfighter X Tekken evaporate from their inventory. Tecmo Koei are joining other high profile publishers EA and Capcom in refusing to supply stock to GAME and Gamestation at the specific terms the group desperately need due to widely-reported credit problems. Tecmo Koei has advised gamers who have pre-ordered these titles from GAME and Gamestation to contact the troubled store for a refund and to purchase the games elsewhere. In a statement released today, they advise:
For those who have placed a deposit for either title a full refund will be available; for details please contact GAME and Gamestation stores or online.
The Japanese publisher was quick to point out that the problem is solely with the troubled retailer and that the PS3 and 360 titles will be available from the usual channels online and on the high street. It is looking increasingly bleak for GAME as publishers pull their support one-by-one over payment terms and concerns are raised over GAME's immediate future. It seems that the news from Tecmo may have come as a surprise as, at the time of writing, Warrior Orochi 3 is still listed as available on pre-order from both GAME and Gamestation€™s websites.