Nintendo Making Zelda: Four Swords Available for Free Download

Nintendo are giving away their new DS port, Zelda: Four Swords. But at what cost?

By Dom McKenzie /

Nintendo added the Four Swords adventure to the DSiWare store last September. Great news! Not only that though, Nintendo have made the game free to download for any DSi, DSi XL and 3DS owners! Originally, the offer began last September, in what seemed to be for one day only. Being the lovely people they are, Nintendo extended this one day to five months. Which leaves you until February to download your copy from the DSiWare store. Now I know what you're thinking, you're like me and you're so obsessed with Zelda that you shunned your friends years ago. Unfortunately, there's no one left to go with you on this adventure, in which you need the help of others to cross the perilous puzzles and obstacles... Forever alone and all that. But you're forgetting about the lovely people at Nintendo, who have solved this problem by implementing a single-player mode that allows you to switch between two Links so you can tackle this adventure by yourself! It also includes a few other extras such as new levels and areas. Now, I'd just like to take a serious moment of your time. Unfortunately for everything good that happens, something bad that is of equal value must happen too... The beard... was it really worth it?
