Nintendo Switch: 10 Launch Rumours You Need To Know

The price, launch date, what games to expect and more.

By Brian Wilson /

At last, we know a whole lot more about Nintendo's new system, previously code named the NX but now revealed to be the Nintendo Switch. The reveal trailer dropped at the close of October and showed off a bunch of heavily speculated features, including the ability to play titles like Zelda and Mario on the go.


But much about the console remains shrouded in secrecy, including the exact date it's coming out, what price it will be and what games will be available at launch. It's expected that these details will be unveiled in January during a special Nintendo presentation, but why wait until 2017 to find out more?

Before the Switch was unveiled, a huge number of its key features were rumoured, and many of those rumours were completely correct. The same goes for the Switch's launch.

Don't want to wait until January? Then check out these ten Nintendo Switch launch rumours.

10. It'll Cost Around £200

The price of any console plays a major role in how well it'll sell. Technology like VR is still seen by many to be too expensive to have mass market appeal, and you've only to look at how much PS4 sales were boosted following its price cut after launch. So all eyes are on Nintendo to ensure they don't alienate gamers by pricing the Switch too high.


It's been confirmed by Nintendo that they don't intend to sell the console at a loss, meaning they won't be taking a slice of the price away in order to drive up the install base. This information has some fans worried the cost will be substantial.

It's rumoured, however, that the Switch will launch at around $250, with a $300 bundle available which includes a game. This is further backed up by the fact that website Gameseek is now accepting pre-orders for £198.50 - and the website guarantees the pre-order price, meaning once ordered, that's how much the customer pays.

There's no way Gameseek would risk losing huge profits by guessing an arbitrary price. So fans don't have to be concerned about an insanely expensive console.
