Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee Gets Reboot

Oddworld: Abe's Oddyssee is getting a reboot.

By Corey Milne /

With E3 happening all around us and the gaming press being drowned in the unrelenting onslaught of news that comes with the event, it's often easy to miss other news stories that happen outside of the convention. I had to find time out away from the glamour and glitz of the L.A. expo to report the news that people need right now! So brace yourselves people because, Oddworld: Abe's Oddyssee is getting a reboot. Originally the title was set to get a simple HD remake and remastering of the original PS1 title, much like Just Add Water did with Stranger's Wrath. This however seems to be off the table in favour of creating a brand new game. Posted onto the Oddworld Inhabitants Facebook page it stated,
Ok so here's the skinny on "Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee"... We decided to reboot it, not just an HD update to the original PS1 title, this is a NEW game. It will be getting it's first public showing LATER this year, with a release date of NEXT summer (2013).
As much as I was looking forward to the HD update of the original game, spending many enjoyable hours with it back in the day, the prospect of a brand new game with modern mechanics and a whole new story is hard to pass up. If there's not a button dedicated to farting though, then I'm out. Deal-breaker right there.