Overwatch: 10 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

Blizzard's latest masterpiece is much more than a pretty face.

By Scott Tailford /


It's been quite some time since consumers en masse were so overjoyed about a particular gaming franchise, but Overwatch is easily one of the most exciting in decades. By crafting a story and world around retired, Pixar-esque superheroes returning to batter the living daylights out of each another, it's got appeal by the bucketload - a successful approach that saw even the beta reach attendance figures in the millions.


Now the full game is out, critics are throwing out five star appraisals and 10/10 review scores its way like they were going out of fashion, the community backing it in full by almost tanking the servers at launch.

Thankfully, Overwatch is now one of 2016's biggest new IPs, and if (who am I kidding, when) you start playing through it, you're going to need these helpful tips to stay ahead of the pack.


10. What The Fire Symbol Means


Perhaps I missed this, but the small fire icon that sits below your portrait is actually an indication of how well you're doing in any given game. Go on a killing spree or fulfil objectives such as capturing land and it'll fill up, eventually engulfing your character's picture in a nice blue hue.

You're now 'on fire', and consistently doing well eventually marks you out for the enemy as a way to - in theory - end your streak.


Being in this state earns more XP towards your rank if you defeat other 'on fire' characters - shown by the number next to the enemy's fire symbol as you take them out.