PlayStation 5: Every CONFIRMED Video Game So Far

If Sony won't show you what's coming, we will.

By Adam Clery /


Sony's recent PS5 "tech breakdown" was about as dramatic a misfire as you could possibly imagine. With the Xbox Series X carefully showing fans what they can expect, how it'll work, why they should be excited, and who's coming to the party, their hype train is steadily gathering speed.


Sony's counterplay was a 54-minute tech lecture that 99% of people watching (your writer included) didn't understand.

It'll be... good? We think? Maybe even better than the Series X? Possibly? But we're not really sure how yet.


The one thing everyone hoped for was mention of new games. Given that, y'know, the only reason anyone is going to part with their money for this thing is to literally play new games on it.

Storage, RAM, teraflops (lol), this is all ultimately pointless stuff to the majority of consumers.


Give me confirmed next-gen titles or give me death. Thankfully, some are already rubberstamped, so let's take our trousers off for those instead.