PS5 Reveal Event: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

A mixed bag of a debut for the PS5.

By Jack Pooley /


After what has felt like a truly interminable wait, Sony finally lifted the lid on the PlayStation 5 with their The Future of Gaming reveal event blow-out, showing off what players can expect to see on their shiny new console over the next year or two.


And honestly, wasn't it mostly a bit...flat?

It certainly wasn't a bad reveal event by any means, but considering that this was the grand unveiling of a hugely anticipated piece of gaming hardware due for release within the next six months, Sony's 75-minute presentation felt oddly unexciting.


Obviously present global circumstances are partly responsible for the unassuming reveal given the limitations placed upon Sony and their partners, but even so, this scarcely felt more remarkable than a typical Sony E3 presser where they just drop a bunch of games and high-tail it.

After Sony blew everyone away - and Microsoft firmly out of the water - with the PS4 reveal back in 2013, this came across as pretty anti-climactic.


Obviously Sony has many months to give audiences the hard sell, but this was their time to wow everyone and that sadly didn't quite happen, despite showcasing some undeniably enticing games...