Ranking Every Dead Rising Psychopath From Worst To Best

Who's your favourite nutjob?

By Greg Hicks /

The Dead Rising series is renowned for its over the top characters, weapons and general tongue-in-cheek approach to just about everything.


This is none more apparent than in its colourful roster of psychopaths across the franchise, from killer clowns, escaped convicts, PTSD suffering war veterans, somewhat overly patriotic families and everything in between...

And that's just the first game.

What makes them [subjectively] great is the variety of psycho on display and how you take them out. Motorbike riding, fistfights atop tanks, petrol bombs and threats of nightsticks in uncomfortable places, they're all here.

Although I say subjectively, some of them can be an absolute nightmare to fight if you're not expecting to wander into one. Bringing a knife to a weaponised jeep fight, for example, is never going to bode well.

But it's the characters behind the fight that make it memorable. Capcom love pushing absurd boundaries at times, as some of these are complete p*sstakes of real-world stereotypes we've seen across movies over the years.

This isn't a straightforward ranking on difficulty, but also where these weirdos stand out in terms of rememberable nutter.

So consider this your painful trip down memory lane, from all of fourteen years ago, as we look at the boss fights that made this series as wacky as it is.

14. The Convicts

Starting at the bottom of the barrel, it's the damn convicts.


So inconsequential to the events of the game, they don't even get named or individual health bars as you fight them. Hell, even fighting them is more of an optional challenge than a side mission, just for the benefit of not being shot every time you venture outside.

That's the reason I've referred to them as the "damn convicts", the sheer annoyance of them cruising around the outdoor area of the Willamette mall in their machine gun-toting jeep.

So, why are they here, then?

Well, I suppose they do technically qualify as psychopaths. They're driving about, indiscriminately shooting zombie and survivor alike, which seems like pretty mental behaviour to me.

However, there is a silver lining to killing them. Well, besides the joy of killing them, I mean.

It makes for much safer passage to escort survivors when you're not being shot at and/or run over by the buggers.

Admittedly you can just wait them out until the military show up, but it's honestly better to suck it up and take them out at the earliest convenience.
