Red Dead 3: 7 Reasons We Want It More Than GTA VI

Rockstar's urban crime sim is going stale, so we need a breath of that dry, wild west air.

By Robert Zak /

When Red Dead Redemption rode into town on the back of its trusty steed, it was one of the greatest moments of the last console generation, and now, Red Dead Redemption 2 (or Red Dead 3, as we believe it'll be called) is on the horizon, with former Rockstar employee Danny Ross saying in a Reddit AMA that it's in the works. When a user asked what Rockstar are working on, Ross replied "Really? Dumbass. Really? Two". Now, Ross might just be a rude a-hole, but it's a strange coincidence that the first letter to each word he said add up to read 'RDR2'. Maybe he's not such a bad guy after all. If this is true, then this is a smart move by the team, and great news for all of us. Sure, the GTA series is more of a global phenomenon than Red Dead, but the latter was far more ambitious, introducing mechanics that were unique to the western setting, alongside a dark, tragic storyline that ranks among the greatest ever in video games. Frankly, a new GTA is unnecessary, and not just because GTA V came out more recently than Red Dead Redemption. Red Dead has the potential to become a legendary franchise, while GTA already is one, and is showing signs of going stale. It's the perfect time for the GTA series to step aside and allow Red Dead to take over, because there ain't enough room in this town for the two of 'em...