Red Dead Online: 10 Major Updates It DESPERATELY Needs

How is there an online cowboy game with no duelling?

By Neil Gray /

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece and anyone who says otherwise is just wrong.


A sprawling tale of epic proportions in a world that just seemed to never end, Rockstar delivered, as they always do, a game that upped the bar for everyone else. Then a few weeks later the online beta arrived and the overall consensus is that it's been... okay. Not earth shattering, not mind blowing. Just... okay.

Now considering that Rockstar are one of the biggest and best publishers on the block there are certain standards that are expected of them, standards that have yet to be achieved in Red Dead Online.

Outside of a short story mode, something they have said will be expanded on in the future, there's just a handful of stranger missions spread out across the map and they become very repetitive very quickly. Overall, there is very little to do, unless you really, really like hunting.

It has been a slow start and next to Rockstar's other behemoth, GTA Online, there really is no comparison, but with time and regular input Red Dead could quite happily catch up with the bigger brother - if not surpass it.

10. Eating At Saloons

Corned beef and baked beans does not a healthy lifestyle make.


Ask anyone with even a passing interest in vegetables and they'll tell you that you most definitely need at least some form of earth-tasting food in your diet if you want to live to a ripe old age.

For well over a decade now, Rockstar have been trying to create the most immersive world they possibly can, and though it's been hit and miss at times in that department ("Niko, it's Roman, let's go bowling"), it's admirable they're willing to put the most mundane activities into their games.

It's just strange that they've not come across to the online portion yet.

Out in the wilderness it's understandable you'd need to rely on cans and your trusty tin opener but when you head into town it would be nice to cough up the cash and eat a proper meal once in a while and if they really wanted to make it worth your time, these meals could add a little stat boost to your character for a short period.

And on the subject of saloons....
