Resident Evil 3: 10 Major CHANGES From The Original

Capcom are really going all-out.

By Mik Furie /

If you've played the original Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, the word "STARS!" evokes a very special feeling. It's like nostalgia, but very much based in absolute terror.


In April, gamers across the world will get to face that terror once again when Capcom release their modern remake of RE3. There are high hopes for this remake after the incredible job that was done on the Resident Evil 2 remake last year. The story was streamlined and tightened. The characters were modernised, and their dialogue made approximately five hundred and seventeen percent less cheesy.

Some of the more ridiculous enemies were removed from areas, and that allowed for those that were left in to be made more unique and set up in more interesting gameplay combinations.

Some very small features were added, all of which gave more tactical options to the player. It was genuinely astounding to see what a good job they'd done making this decades old game seem fresh again.

Much like its predecessor, the Nemesis remake won't be a direct copy of a 21 year-old game.

Instead, there are some pretty sizeable shakeups you need to know about.

10. Nemesis Will Be Omnipresent (And Fast Enough To Give Chase)

In the original game, Nemesis shows up in scripted sequences. While the decisions you make mean these appearances can be in different areas (leaving other parts safe in later playthroughs), he will always appear in these sections of the game. You're "safe" amongst the normal zombies once you've either lost him or filled him with enough bullets that he temporarily drops to one knee.


If you were brave enough to try the latter, you were rewarded with a weapon that couldn't be found anywhere else in the game. That's a big if though, as he's not easy to take down. Still, careful planning could let you stock up on ammo and healing before triggering the big guy.

Good luck trying that in the remake.

While there will be scripted appearances, Nemesis will be out there in the world throughout the entire game, hunting for S.T.A.R.S members.

If he's roaming close enough to hear your weapons fire then he'll be coming your way fast, and unlike Mr X from the Resident Evil 2 remake, Nemesis is faster than you are.
