Resident Evil: Every Raccoon City Survivor EXPLAINED

All roads lead back to Raccoon City.

By Ben-Roy Turner /


Every story has to start somewhere, whether that be with a bang or small beginnings. A book, film or even game needs a point to drop their audiences in. When it comes to games, this can be in the form of a level 1-1, tutorial mission or in the case of Resident Evil, how about a big spooky mansion?


Now yes, the Spencer Mansion might be where the original Resident Evil took place and there was even a prequel, but for most of our characters and the franchise it all didn’t kick off till the Raccoon City Incident. Those three words placed together have been the backbone of Resident Evil for over two decades now and with the past remakes, Capcom isn’t letting anyone forget it.

On paper, this might all seem like a simple zombie outbreak story with a small city becoming overwhelmed, but amongst the chaos, there are a few trying to uncover the sinister plot that the Umbrella Corporation is covering up.


The T-Virus is a powerful bioweapon when in the wrong hands and damn near killed 100,000, but a select few made it out to carry on fighting and tell their story. This is everyone that made it out before the bomb fell, how they ended up in Raccoon City and what they did afterwards.

(For the purpose of this list we will be counting characters that escaped the city and not the mansion in the Arkley Mountains. With the RE3 Remake, that means Barry is now no longer the one to save Jill and Carlos)
