I didn't think Saints Row: The Third could show anything more impressive at this point that would surprise me, but then they bring out a Tron level and I am quite literally speechless.

By Matt Mann /

Volition and THQ have released another Saints Row: The Third trailer entitled The Deckers and I don't know how it's possible but I was again blown away by what I was seeing. I didn't think Saints Row: The Third could show anything more impressive at this point that would surprise me, but then they bring out a Tron level and I am quite literally speechless. See for yourself: Saints Row: The Third is actually making a push for game of the year, which is something I never thought I would actually say, but honestly the game looks incredible. Since they are coming out so close to each other which game are you going to buy, Skyrim (of which a 20 minute look was released today) or Saints Row: The Third? Release Date: US November 15, EU November 18
