SAINTS ROW: THE THIRD Missing Exclusive Content

Whatever did happen to the PS3 exclusive for Saints Row: The Third?

By Matt Mann /

announced there was going to be some "over the top" exclusive multiplayer content put into Saints Row: The Third for the PS3 version of the game. However, that content seems to be absent as both the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game were identical according to So where is the missing content? THQ has not offered a statement only a "No comment" meaning they most likely decided to include the content into both versions of the game. There is speculation that the co-op multiplayer: "Whored Mode" is the content that was originally scheduled to be exclusive to the PS3 but was put in all three versions of the game. It may be hard to find who is at fault here considering Sony was the one making the announcement and a deal with THQ could have fallen through or THQ could have just screwed Sony over. However, one of those companies needs to provide at least an explanation considering people may have made their pre-order choice based on the exclusive content that was promised. Did any of you pre-order the game based on the exclusive content that was promised for the PS3 version of the game?
