Sir, You Are Being Hunted Announced By Big Robot

Big Robot's bizarre human-hunting shooter heralds the dawn of TweedPunk.

By Corey Milne /


Games in which the player shoots robots are a dime a dozen these days. They only thing people enjoy shooting at more is zombies. However the folks over at Big Robot are looking to provide wholly different and all round British type of experience with Sir, You Are Being Hunted.

The game takes place in a bizarre universe where robots, decked out in tweed and with a pipe firmly in their mouth, hunt humans for sport through the English countryside. Think of it as a British indie version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Mechanical hounds patrolling the dark English moors, robots with a taste for tea and aristocracy. Sign me up!


Sir, You Are Being Hunted is actually a stepping stone for the company's bigger project Lodestone. Hunted had the chance to be when the team wanted to break down some of Lodestone's task to develop them further. With this in mind Sir, You Are Being Hunted is an experiment with AI and looking at how one goes about getting robots hunt you and each other in an open world environment. To those ends the dynamic AI combat will occur naturally, rather than being scripted.


Several enemy types have been shown off. The first is the top hat sporting, shotgun totting Hunter who will actively track you down across the environment and seem to be the aggressive characters of the robo-rabble. The second enemy is the Poacher, who is an ambush type enemy, relying on traps to engage you. The different enemies all have a distinctive look and will belong to different factions who will engage each other in combat if they come across each other in the wild.

Big Robot are quick to dismiss their latest project as being set in a steam punk type world. While these elements do exist in some small form, the game focuses on high modernity. These are actual robots people. Laser visors are in, clock work gears are out!


Welcome to the dawn of TweedPunk.