With this week featuring not one, but two barnstorming new releases in the shape of Modern Warfare 3 (released today) and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which lands on shelves on Friday and has already received some head-turning praise from early reviewers, gamers could be forgiven for choosing only one of the titles to save a bit of money. But that doesn't necessarily have to be the case. Yesterday saw the discovery that MW3 could be bought from Tesco Online for as little as £33.91 (a deal unfortunately which has now lapsed), and today, we're looking at the cheapest way to buy Skyrim online for release on Friday. The RRP is set at £54.99, though there is no way that is a true reflection of how much the game will cost and RRPs these days seem more an exercise in inflation to make the actual "deal price" look better than it is. As a rule of thumb, never pay over £40 for a game, it's just not necessary, even on launch day, and the more you can improve on that base line the better. So with that in mind, here's what the major players are currently offering. I'd imagine some better deals will pop up in the next few days, and after release, so keep an eye out for updates here. Once again, the prices below relate to the PS3 and XBox 360 version, unless otherwise stated.