Skyrim Dawnguard DLC Revealed at E3 2012

After months of waiting, Bethesda have finally given us reason to get excited...

By Paul_D /

After months of waiting, Bethesda have finally given us reason to get excited with a trailer including gameplay footage of the long-awaited Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim, as well as a confirmed release date of 26th June on Xbox 360. Although our hopes for a gameplay demo were in vain, the footage shown in the trailer gives us a substantial insight into what fate awaits the Dragonborn.


The plot revolves around the Dragonborn finding a vampire-slaying faction known as the Dawnguard. Somewhere near the start of the DLC, the Dragonborn is given a choice: help the Dawnguard track down and kill an vampire lord known as Hakron, or join Hakron and help him harness the power of an elder scroll to defeat his most powerful enemy: the sun. The main plot clearly revolves around the Dragonborn's choice of side at the start of the DLC's storyline, and events unfold in accordance to that choice. Personally, I was disappointed with the Legion/Stromcloak campaign, as the player went through practically the same missions each side. This, paired with the fact that every stronghold takeover was almost the same as the last, made it quite a boring questline. Hopefully though, Bethesda have learned from their mistake and have made a much more dynamic campaign, where your choices affect what missions you do as well as what happens to the people around you. Next page, Vampires and Werewolfs;