SKYRIM: Top 10 Glitch Videos

WhatCulture present our top ten Skyrim glitch videos. Expect flying horses, lots of flying horses.

By Simon Gallagher /

The problems with Bethesda's sprawling RPG epic Skyrim are now well-documented, but impressively they haven't cost the game it's mantle as a genuine contender for this year's Game of the Year award. And if you ignore the real problems that PS3 players have found to be a proper impediment to playing, a lot of the glitches and bugs are genuinely entertaining. So, now that the internet has had plenty of time to digest the various Skyrim glitch videos, we thought it high time to collate some of the best, so what follows here is a collection of my own personal highlights from around the web. I have now spent way, way too long enjoying the resultant glitch videos - so hearty thanks must go out to the youtube using Skyrim players who have edited them together. Particular praise has to go to LostVector for the use of Weebl's "Amazing Horse" - which actually had me crying at one point with laughter - solid gold work there... Anyway, here we go: enjoy them while they're still cute.

10. Unintentional Nazgul

It seems that the right combination of mask and armour leads to your character becoming a dead ringer for the Lord of the Rings' Ring Wraiths - the Nazgul in Black Speech. And achieved without having to bow to the perpetual torment of servitude to the one ring, so that's a bonus...

9. Sleep: You're Doing It Wrong

An actual recurring sleep bug, or just impressive nonchalant break-dancing? You decide...

8. Super Horse

Some people seem to be experiencing issues with the horse physics within the game. I can't think why... But I will say this - they're too big in real life and you should never trust them. Here's why...

7. Horse Launcher

Let's be honest, most of the glitches people have posted about tend to involve horses. Something about those four legged monsters just seems to have eluded Bethesda, leading to a world where it is far, far too simple to make a horse fly. Smooth landing here as well... Oh, wait, no it wasn't...

6. Break-Dancing Goat

Simple, but still very enjoyable...

5. Pothead

Super inventive way of bending the Thou Shalt Not Steal commandment this...

4. Skyrim Gravity... Interesting

Not only does this video capture the wonderful absurdity of what happens when you use Frost Rune on a steep slope (a major feature of a good deal of glitch videos), it also has the added bonus of a randomly reappearing polar bear, incredible invincible animals and a strange gravity defying death all thrown in for good measure. It seems the laws of physics don't really apply within the Elder Scrolls realms...

3. The Flying Horse

There are no words. Other than "incredible"...

2. More Extreme Horse Skills

Something is definitely wrong here - unless the man in charge of that horse and cart is in fact a very distant ancestor of Evel Knievel. In which case, there's no explanation needed.

1. Giants Are Surprisingly Strong

Another interesting take on the laws of physics and specifically gravity here. Though I'm not sure why everyone finds this one so hilarious/mind-boggling; I definitely remember learning in school that massive downward force was always met with equal and opposite upward explosive force. But then, I never paid any attention in Science lessons, so maybe I'm wrong... Have you found any more glitched worthy of sharing in Skyrim? Let us know in the comments below.