Spider-Man PS4: 8 Costumes That MUST Be Added

Maximum thwipage.

By Fergal Harte /

When it comes to Insomniac's recent Spider-Man game, the choice of alternate costumes was in no means limited, giving players a wide array of suits, ranging from Peter's Stark-designed MCU attire to the Spirit-Spider, based off that one time the powers of Ghost Rider belonged to the wall-crawler.


As such, it may come as a surprise to say that there are plenty more than twenty-seven Spidey suits, with some looking even more whacky than the practically nude outfit you unlock at the end of the game. Still, this is why Spider-Man is the most notable hero for having alternate versions of himself, otherwise how else would comic book storylines like Spider-Verse or the soon to be released Spider-Geddon even exist?

And though some outfits are off-limits so they can be used in the future to compliment the story, with the first DLC, the Black Cat centric: The Heist, set to add at least three more costumes to Pete's wardrobe, here are my top picks for what I think should take priority on Insomniac's drawing board.

8. '70s Japanese Spider-Man

If you haven't heard about this incarnation of Spider-Man, then just watch this short video.


You get it now, right?

As you saw, this Spidey suit is from the 1970s Japanese Spider-Man television show, that bears practically no resemblance to the comics it was supposedly based on, though the suit is pretty faithful (and therefore quite similar to the Classic costume already found in the game). There are a few clear differences that would make it stand out, for example, the massive web-shooter on his left hand, something that is missing from his other wrist, making this version look more like an impractically-sized watch than a highly sophisticated web-firing device.

This sort of wackiness clearly defines the suit as its own beast, and as such it would make a fine addition to Insomniac's title.
