Spider-Man PS4: Every Villain Confirmed (So Far)

Spider-Man's rogues' gallery is out in full force.

By Joe Pring /

A hero is only ever as good as their villain(s). Nowhere else in Marvel's bulging multiverse does that phrase ring true more, than for our Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man. But then, does that really come as a surprise?


For a crimefighting icon that's pushing nearly 60 years of real-world age, it's to be expected that Peter Parker's alter ego would have wracked up a prison's worth of foes during his tenure as New York City's protector. A head count so numerous that fully representing Spider-Man's entire rogues' gallery in any medium, let alone the non-linear land of open world video games, is borderline impossible.

As Rocksteady was forced to do with the Arkham trilogy, Insomniac has no choice but to compromise on how many infamous adversaries of the Wall Crawler make the cut for launch, but not even the most entitled Spider-Man fan can fault the shortlist of finalists so far confirmed.

Wilson Fisk, Rhino and Norman Osborn, along with lesser-known entities like Taskmaster and Silver Sable have all booked their ticket, but Insomniac has no intention of stopping there.

Future DLC will see the already impressive list of individuals out for Spidey's head expand in the weeks and months that follow launch, and that's not even taking into consideration surprise reveals being intentionally withheld.

Who is the mystery sixth member of the Sinister Six? All will be revealed on September 7, but until then, it's time to speculate.

12. Mister Negative

A relative newcomer to the already long list of iconic Spider-Man villains, Martin Li's visually striking alter ego is no less memorable than the likes of Rhino, Scorpion or Vulture. In fact, Mister Negative fits right in with the rest of New York's superpowered villainy, with Insomniac's trailer at this year's E3 confirming that he'll be one part of the formidable Sinister Six.


We're yet to see how exactly the rest of Spidey's extraordinary foes fit into the game's wider narrative, but in Mister Negative's case, he seems to be a key presence in Peter's crimefighting life.

Insomniac's crafty initial reveal implied Negative to be their game's primary antagonist and leader of the Inner Demons, and while we now know that's not the case, the character will have a heavy presence in both sides of Parker's life. One where he resembles a menacing photographic negative and another as the kind, charitable owner of homeless shelters and - the real kicker - the employer of Parker's dearest Aunt May.
